Center for Philosophy, Politics, and Economics

PPE Events

Each semester the PPE Center offers large lectures open to the entire Brown community and the general public, as well as a series of smaller workshops that are by invitation. Invited guests are experts in their field from around the world who present diverse topics that are interdisciplinary in nature.

Public Lectures and Seminar Series

The PPE Center offers three different venues for advancing important interdisciplinary scholarship and civil discourse: Janus Forum Lectures, Odyssey Lectures, and a specialized PPE Research Workshop. Our Janus Lectures feature two speakers with different viewpoints. These events are our largest, campus-wide events that are open to all Brown undergraduate students and the broader community. The Odyssey lectures are single speaker lectures focusing on an important new idea or book and often attract undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty alike. The PPE Workshop is a curated research seminar with invited scholars presenting cutting-edge research for feedback from our faculty, postgraduate fellows, and graduate students.

The Janus Forum Lecture Series, which brings together two prominent speakers with different viewpoints, is the PPE Center's signature public event.
Odyssey Lectures feature a single speaker who will take students on an extended adventure over some new and unexpected intellectual terrain.

Upcoming PPE Events

Recent PPE Events

Gallery of Events